Studio Seiche: A Milwaukee-based design collective. 

Seiche /sā(t)SH/ noun. A standing wave in an enclosed body of water. Caused by atmospheric pressure and wind, seiches in Lake Michigan create large and sudden waves. 
Nora Leccese and Sarah Eli Lu smile while standing in front of an aged brick wall.

Nora Leccese and Eli Lu photographed by Nora Rasman

Nora Leccese (b. 1992, she/her): Nora is an artist and community organizer living as a guest in Milwaukee, WI. Her work in clay and natural pigments explores her own desire for belonging to and reciprocity with the land, and seeks to contribute to a cultural shift to repair the devastation of colonization. She hopes the respectful harvest of natural materials, the physical labor of processing them, and the community work of creating treasured objects can re-knit non indigenous people into the fabric of the world around us. If her artistic practice is a spiritual arm of repair work, her community organizing seeks to be the practical- through Resource Generation, she organizes young people with access to wealth to participate in the redistribution of land, wealth and power. She is a member at Murray Hill Pottery Studio.

Eli Lu (b. 1984, they/them): S.E. interrogates and creatively reimagines everyday objects and actions with the goal of vitalizing collective shifts toward peace with our ecosystem. In 2020, they created Annelid, a worm composting system integrated into a butcher block kitchen island that can be fabricated in a basic workshop with widely available materials. They are passionate about demystifying design concepts and practice through accessible communication. They previously worked in public media (Chicago Public Media, WBEZ 91.5 FM/, 2007-2016), trained in industrial design (MDes, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2020), and studied history (BA with Honors, Grinnell College, 2007).